

plant-powered Ideas

Discover alternatives for ham, bacon, and even sausage!

8 WayS TO SWAP Sausage

Breakfast Apple Maple Sausage

Breakfast Apple Maple Sausage

Kielbasa Sausage

Kielbasa Sausage

Artisan Andouille Sausage

Artisan Andouille Sausage

Beer Brats Sausage

Beer Brats Sausage

Italian Sausage

Italian Sausage

Loaded LOVE

Loaded LOVE

Vegan Sausage Burrito

Spicy Morning LOVE

Spicy Morning LOVE

Chipotle Sausage Chickpea Scrambled Melt

Cajun Scrambled LOVE

Cajun Scrambled LOVE

Andouille Sausage Scrambled Eggs

Pork Swap Recipes

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